Divi Cloud

Extend Divi beyond your imagination

with just 1 lightweight plugin

<style>.indicator-container { width: 2.1em; height: calc(1.8em * 1.75); background: transparant; border: calc(1.6em * 0.1) solid white; border-radius: 6.4em; overflow: hidden; box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 6px 20px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0 6px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) ; } .indicator-arrow { margin-top: 50%; display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -webkit-box-pack: center; -ms-flex-pack: center; justify-content: center; -webkit-box-align: center; -ms-flex-align: center; align-items: center; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-direction: normal; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; } .indicator-arrow .base { margin: 0 auto; width: calc(2.4em * 0.1); background: white; height: calc(2.0em * 0.33); border-radius: calc(6.4em * 0.1); } .indicator-arrow .arrowpoint { width: 0; height: 0; border-style: solid; border-width: calc(2.9em * 0.175) calc(2.4em * 0.175) 0 calc(2.4em * 0.175); border-color: white transparent transparent transparent; margin-top: -10%; } .top { margin-top: -100%; -webkit-animation: arrowAnimation1 infinite 1.8s ease-in-out; animation: arrowAnimation1 infinite 1.8s ease-in-out; } .bottom { margin-top: 100%; } @-webkit-keyframes arrowAnimation1 { from {margin-top: -100%;} to {margin-top: 40%;} } @keyframes arrowAnimation1 { from {margin-top: -100%;} to {margin-top: 40%;} } </style><div class="indicator-container"> <div class="indicator-arrow top"> <div class="base"></div> <div class="arrowpoint"></div> </div> <div class="indicator-arrow bottom"> <div class="base"></div> <div class="arrowpoint"></div> </div> </div><script></script>


1 click instant importing

load layouts from the cloud

Building with Divi 2.0

Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Proin eget tortor risus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta.

Proin eget tortor risus. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta.

save time

Save time on development and get up to 90% off your creation speed.


You can expect great designs, following the latest trends. We listen to requests.

great designs

You can expect great designs, following the latest trends. We listen to requests.

ready to sell

Our templates are responsive and made to be ready for your needs in no time.


what’s in it for me ?

save layouts to the cloud

save time

Save time on development and get up to 90% off your creation speed.

easy import

Just 1 click is all it takes. It couldn’t get much easier as this.

great designs

You can expect great designs, following the latest trends. We listen to requests.

ready to sell

Our templates are responsive and made to be ready for your needs in no time.


what others say

save time

Save time on development and get up to 90% off your creation speed.

1 community

Just 1 click is all it takes to import. It couldn’t get much easier as this really.

great designs

You can expect great designs, following the latest trends. We listen to requests.

ready to sell

Our templates are responsive and made to be ready for your needs in no time.

great designs

You can expect great designs, following the latest trends. We listen to requests.


Just 1 click is all it takes. It couldn’t get much easier as this csfffff really.

ready to sell

Our templates are responsive and made to be ready for your needs in no time.

great designs

You can expect great designs, following the latest trends. We listen to requests.

import from the cloud

import from the cloud

Divi Cloud.  A plugin that let’s you import layouts, sections and modules from the Divi builder. Choose from the wide variety of high quality responsive layouts that are available and import them directly into your pages.

Another amazing function we created is Cloud Saving. You can now save your layouts and sections to the cloud for rapid use and better organization.

With Divi Cloud you can search the cloud library of layouts, select and import anything you want right into your page.

Helping you save time, energy and making your life as a web developer easier and more cost effective.


1-click installation

save to the Cloud

With the Divi Cloud Plugin you can import and save layouts, sections and modules straight from the Divi Builder.

Unlimited Usage

Use the plugin and the layouts from our library as much as like. Unlimited licensed installs.

BROUGHT to you by the divi community

Andrew Palmer

Eileen Lonergan

Sean Barton

Rico Toet

Along with many others in the Divi Ecosphere. Layouts Cloud and the people involved love Divi and are always looking at ways to innovate. if you are looking for Child Themes and plugins for Divi Theme Visit Elegant Marketplace here.


Got questions?

Feel free to check these most asked questions, but feel free to contact us anytime through the chat function at the bottom right corner of the site. We will get back to you ASAP.

Got questions?

Feel free to check these most asked questions, but feel free to contact us anytime through the chat function at the bottom right corner of the site. We will get back to you ASAP.


We are experienced Divi Users who like to add value to the community.

Rico Toet – A Divi Designer who specialises in getting great content out there.
Andrew Palmer and Eileen Lonergan – The Co Founders of Elegant Marketplace & Marketing Gurus
Sean Barton – A market leading Divi Plugin Developer.

Together, we aim to provide the best design tools to all who are interested in making Divi their go to development platform.

What rights do I get for the layouts?

You can use any of these layouts in any project you are doing including child themes for sale to your clients directly or on any Direct Sales online Store that you own. You cannot under the membership terms re-distribute or resell the layouts as they are.

Will you teach me how to use Divi?

We will not directly teach you however, we do recommend this course and will be offering more courses to help you develop your web design and business skill set.

How will this HELP ME & MY BUSINESS?

By having an ultimate resource available to you of layouts modules, sections and rows that are pre designed, your website building efforts will be better, faster and more cost effective.

How is this better for Divi?

By providing one stop CLOUD resources for Divi Designers, we hope that Divi will continue to grow, we will grow with it and so will your business

Module variations?

Yes. Next to creating loads of high quality layouts we will also make variations per module on a regular basis. So one week we will be giving away all different types of pricing tables, but the next week could be any other module. By combining layouts with modules we strive to get you the best bang for your buck. It will also save you a lot of time.

Why should I Join?

If you want to grow your business, have exclusive access to professionally designed products and have unlimited access via the cloud, you should join.

Can I cancel anytime?

We’d love you to stay and keep making money from what we give you but, if you decide to cancel, no problem. You will continue to be able to access your account until the next monthly payment arrangement runs out. If you have bought an annual membership, your account will continue to run until that annual payment has expired.

How is this better for Divi?

By providing one stop CLOUD resources for Divi Layouts, we hope that Divi will continue to grow, we will grow with it and so will your business

module variations?

Yes. Next to creating loads of high quality layouts we will also make variations per module on a regular basis. So one week we will be giving away all different types of pricing tables and, the next week could be any other module. By combining layouts with modules we strive to get you the best bang for your buck. It will also save you a lot of time.

Why should I Join?

If you want to grow your business, have exclusive access to professionally designed products and have access to save and restore via the cloud, you should join.

Can I cancel anytime?

We’d love you to stay and keep making money from what we give you but, if you decide to cancel, no problem. You will continue to be able to access your account until the next monthly payment arrangement runs out. If you have bought an annual membership, your account will continue to run until that annual payment has expired.

What about support?

Please use the chat function at the bottom right corner of every page to contact us. We will help you as soon as possible. Different options for contact will be at our contact page or through Facebook.

What happens if my payment fails?

We will email you and put your account on hold until such time as it is back in good order. You will still have access to the basic plan if this happens.

How Many downloads do I get?

You receive unlimited downloads of all available layouts, modules, sections and rows in line with your membership status.

Why only layouts?

Layouts can be imported directly through the cloud system and resaved to your account. It’s a slightly different process with child themes and plugins which of course are available here

Does this overwrite my current site?

NO, when you import a layout, it is automatically added to your library and will only when chosen to overwrite the content in your page. (there is a switch in the load new layout function which you can turn off and on)

How can I make a suggestion?

Please start a chat with us at the bottom right corner of each page to suggest anything you like! 🙂

Can I use these layouts for my clients?

Absolutely as long as they are not in their original format, nobody wants duplicate content 🙂 .

Why did we start Layouts Cloud?

We saw a need to provide ready made, pre designed layouts to the community in an easier more cost effective way. Even with the free layouts out there, you still have to sign up to a mailing list, download them, upload them and then start working on them. With Divi Cloud everything is just a click away straight from the Site you are working on and if you are a premium member, you can save your layouts to your own cloud and install the plugin on any website and your layouts are exactly where you left them – it could not be simpler could it?

I want more layouts than Agency, is this possible?

There are never enough are there? – Don’t worry, with Agency, you get regular updates of fantastic layouts every month

What type of freebies will be given away?

This will not be set in stone. One time this can be a great looking layout, but the next time it could a discount code for something we love. If you want to be sure of great layouts and to use them in the best way possible we advise you to become a premium member.

How can I cancel?

You can cancel anytime by contacting us through the live chat function, the contact form on our contact page or via facebook.

Can I ask for a return?

We do not offer returns or refunds on subscriptions already committed to. You may cancel your account at anytime and it will not renew.

How do I upgrade my subscription?

The Divi Cloud has an upgrade option built right into it so no problems there. If you do have an issue upgrading, simply contact us and we will get you on your desired plan in no time!

What are the payment options?

The Divi Cloud Plugin is always a set cost as that gives you access to the fantastic facilities. If you are using just the plugin with the basic access. You can upgrade on this site or within the Divi Cloud plugin itself.  We offer annual payments in advance with a discount or you can opt to pay monthly for any of our packages.

What are your hours of operation?

Support hours are 10am to 10pm 5 days a week excluding weekends. The site is 24/7/365.

Can I share my subscription with others?

We would rather you didn’t especially as the API identities who you are in the licensing section. Its better for you that you don’t share and of course, we need everyone to play fair. 🙂

When does my membership expire?

Your membership is on a continual renewal basis but can be cancelled at any time.

Is my membership transferable?

No, you will have to cancel and then renew due to data policies beyond our control.

What is Divi?

Divi is a WordPress theme that includes an awesome page builder both front and back and is our go to design tool. You can grab a copy on their website at elegantthemes.com

Can I use the plugin on a local install?

As long as you are connected to the internet, yes you can.

Can I request layouts?

We love to react to requests and we will do our best to get you what you need. However, a lot can already be found in the Divi Cloud System.

Can I edit these layouts?

Absolutely! You can even re save them to your own library account on Divi Cloud if your membership level allows.

How can I save layouts?

You can save layouts to your desktop by exporting them using the portability option, you can save to your site by using ‘save to library’ and you can save to your Divi Cloud Account if your membership level allows this.

What type of payments do you accept?

We currently accept Paypal payments via our store page.

Can I sell these layouts?

Not in their original form.

I want to organize my layouts, how?

We allow you to save your layouts in the Divi Cloud server hosted on Layouts Cloud. In the future you can set categories, and this will help you search for them when you need a similar layout.

I don't have Paypal, can I still join?

We are looking at secure ways to take your payment, but PayPal is our go to currently as it helps us protect ourselves and our clients from fraudulent and chargeback activity better than any other payment gateway.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

You will lose access to your cloud account that allows saving to the cloud but you will still have access to the many layouts available directly from the plugin.

I don't have Divi, can I still use this?

You need Divi to make use of our products although if you have the Divi Builder plugin on a non-divi site then this will work.

Also Extra, which is based on the Divi Builder, will also work no problem at all.

Is there a trial membership?

If you just have the DIVI CLOUD plugin with limited access to the many layouts, you can use this as a trial to see if you would like to upgrade. Access to the layouts within will always be available to you as long as you have a working  Divi Cloud plugin. You will not however, be able to save to the cloud.

What happens to my data if I cancel my subscription?

We are obliged to keep your details in order to facilitate any payment queries you may have and to help with our own official record keeping. We will not use your data for marketing purposes in this case.

Can I access the cloud anytime?

As long as you have an internet connection, yes.

How can I change my account information?

Simply go to your account profile and make the amendments there.

Can I save my favorite layouts?

Yes, as long as you have an active membership subscription that allows this.

Will this go on forever?

None of us are getting out of this alive so, as long as we are living and breathing and can pass this onto our children, we certainly hope so 🙂

Questions about your membership?

Use the live chat function at the bottom right corner of the page to contact us anytime. Or feel free to make use of our contact form / facebook page to contact us. We will get to you asap.

What is Divi?

Divi is a WordPress theme that includes an awesome page builder both front and back and is our go to design tool. You can grab a copy on their website at elegantthemes.com

Can I use the plugin on a local install?

As long as you are connected to the internet, yes you can.

Can I request layouts?

We love to react to requests and we will do our best to get you what you need. However, a lot can already be found in the Divi Cloud System.

Can I edit these layouts?

Absolutely! You can even re save them to your own library account on Divi Cloud if your membership level allows.

How can I save layouts?

You can save layouts to your desktop by exporting them using the portability option, you can save to your site by using ‘save to library’ and you can save to your Divi Cloud Account if your membership level allows this.

What type of payments do you accept?

We currently accept Paypal payments via our checkout page.

Can I sell these layouts?

Not in their original form but feel free to sell your own layouts made with this system. Be aware some images maybe subject to copyright and are only used for illustrative purposes.

How can I organize my layouts

We allow you to save your layouts in the Divi Cloud server hosted on Layouts Cloud. In the near future You can set categories, and this will help you search for them when you need a similar layout, for the moment, you can save to the cloud depending on your membership plan. Or you can save them in the child theme we provide to you depending on your subscription preference.

If I don't have Paypal, how do I join?

We are looking at secure ways to take your payment, but PayPal is our go to currently as it helps us protect ourselves and our clients from fraudulent and chargeback activity better than any other payment gateway.

What happens when I cancel my membership?

You will lose access to your cloud account but you will still be able to access DIVI CLOUD via your plugin on a limited basis. i.e. you won’t be able to save to the cloud.

I don't have Divi, can I still use this?

You need Divi to make use of our products.

Is there a trial membership?

Kind of…When you buy the Divi Cloud plugin, you get access to a range of layouts. You can access these at anytime through the plugin, you just cannot save your work to the cloud and you won’t get all the layouts that are available to the various membership levels. .

What happens to my data if i cancel my subscription?

We are obliged to keep your details in order to facilitate any payment queries you may have and to help with our own official record keeping. We will not use your data for marketing purposes in this case.

Can i access the cloud anytime?

As long as you have an internet connection, yes.

How can I change my account information?

Simply go to your account profile and make the amendments there.

Can I save my favorite layouts?


Will this go on forever?

None of us are getting out of this alive but we are hoping to pass this on to our children so as long as the lineage exists, we don’t see any reason why not 🙂

One divi blog

All Divi related blogs in one organized place.

win the race

Go 10X with all the resources you need to succeed.

one big vision

We’re working around the clock to get there.

One divi blog

All Divi related blogs in one organized place.

win the race

Go 10X with all the resources you need to succeed.

one big vision

We’re working around the clock to get there.


Let’s have a year full of growth, love and success.